Exams are just around the corner which should more than justify the current lack of updates.
Anyhow, a few belated birthday greetings are in order.
22nd Nov - Ying's Bday! We havent got down to doing a nice celebration thanks to the the evil exam monster and the fact that Laysh is still abroad. Happy Bday girl!
25th Nov - Pang's Bday.. It was a nice celebration with very happening relatives who were 'louder' than his friends. Unfortunately, it ended on a bad note -relax Pang, nothing to do with the party per se- because Kwok started singing and ...
With the Bday Boy..

Think we kinda look like celebs here.

With da bitches!

Parting shot. Previously, at Kwok's Bday...

Also, apologies for switching hosts all the time. Xanga keeps screwing up so it's back to blogger for at least a while. Hang on while i insert all ur bloglinks too.
Gd luck to all having exams!