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YSunday, April 29, 2007' 9:27 PM
My Country Garden

Back from my cruise trip to Redang.. Wish i wasnt though, it was such a fanatastic trip~ the food, the skies, the sea, the BEACH! It is true that Redang's beach is very much like paradise.. or at least how i'd imagine paradise to be.. lol. almost lah.
Okay pls try to understand that most photos show only one person in it cuz there were only the two of us so if it isnt me taking pics for you den it is u for me.. it's hard getting random passerbys to photo us..
Our first photo! before boarding the ship
Checking out the ship
Food was a MAJOR part of the entire trip. We spent 8 hrs a day eating.. okay, that's exaggerated but we had like 7 meals a day (2x breakfast, 2x lunch, 2x dinner and 1x supper) which explains all the wt i'm putting on. there was a gd mix of western and chinese food though we were slightly preferred the latter.
but the best food we had on board was during the BBQ party, damn the steak was succulent! everything that night just tasted great. see 2nd pic in last row.
View on the deck with absolutely NO LAND in sight. it was a breathtaking sight, and with the wind blowing in your hair... it was intoxicating
On the deck at night, the wind was so strong i had difficulty walking forward..
andden the next day... time for redang!
Laguna resort - finally.. at a beach where the waters were CLEAR..
actually, we went snorkelling at another beach prior to visting the laguna resort. we were swimming among the fishes and corals. somehow, i discovered a phobia i didnt know i had before.. phobia of fishes! totally freaked out went we swam into a large school of fish.. started kicking frantically at them to keep them away. dear me. and cuz we couldnt talk under water, at times jky couldnt tell if i was making 'noises' because i was excited or because i was afraid of the fish.. haha.
anyhow. fishes still look better from behind the glass!
nice waters
the last sunset we saw on board the ship... somehow the picture doesnt seem to capture the actual beauty of it.. but couldnt be bothered to take more pics cuz the BBQ party was ongoing and like mans.. wth would ya give up precious time with good food..
a very kawaii little girl spotted on board!
the skies, as captured throughout the entire trip...
on the last day we went to the jacuzzi to chill before checking out.. loved the warm water..

the last picture on board.. sadz..

so now i'm back to my shithole called home.. it's shit these days cuz we're undergoing some major renovation and the house is in a complete mess.. GAH. wad a stark contrast to the lovely holiday i just had.

will be starting internship soon.. kinda dreading it because it is gonna be an extremely competitive environment whereby all the interns will be fighting it out to impress the head..

ugh. lets hope i'll survive the 3 months unscath. =(

anyhow.. all stars meeting tmr for dinner and drinks! can't wait to catch up with everybody!


YTuesday, April 24, 2007' 11:03 PM
My Country Garden

All I can say is.. I really miss this girl alot! hopefully there comes a day she finally get her act together and make a solid comeback because her loyal fans are still waiting for her..

Britney Spears is 100% hollywood! Everything about her just fits the typical description of a hollywood star..

What she's already has/done:

Good looks - checked
Sucky voice - checked
Good dancing - checked
Platinum selling albums - checked checked checked
Sold out concerts - checked
Kid host on disney channel - checked
A movie about her life - checked
High profile boyfriends - checked
High profile break up - checked
Gone wild partying with Paris Hilton - checked
Partying without undies - checked
Fucked up marriage - checked
Pregnancy (unwanted?) - checked
Divorce - checked
Smooched another female (ie Madonna) - checked
Sex videos - checked
Drugs - checked
Checked into rehab - checked
Ran out from rehab - checked

Something quite novel:
Shaving her head bald

What's left to be done:
Adopting a black kid


YTuesday, April 17, 2007' 11:31 AM
My Country Garden

TV rulez

Was just watching this reality show Beauty and the Geek.. it's kinda like the bachelor except a lil more intellectual. Basically it is about 7 geekish guys pairing up with 7 bimbotic girls and taking part in competition as a pair.. the guys are the typical smart asses with IQ of 150, or SAT score of 1500.. they're like engineers or neurologists.. the girls are like.. lingerie model, aspiring fashion expert (huh? what does this mean?), NBA dancer and there was one who was a life-size barbie doll (i didnt know this can be considered a profession?!)

And the pair would have the share the same room throughout the show.

It's pairwork for them throughout the show and they need to train each other for the two rounds of competition in each episode.. the female competes in spelling, geography and history kinda stuffs.. they're really bimbotic because one of them couldnt even spell the word 'tattoo'.. and another didnt know that the british prime minister is tony blair. so yea, the guys would have to teach their female partner these stuffs.

on the other hand, the females teach the geeks about dancing and the latest songs.. its super funny cuz these guys cant dance for nuts. and they had a dancing competition to see which guys dances the best.

damn demeaning shit! why cant girls be the intellectual ones!

so anyway, the female winner and male winner of the respective competition gets to pick who goes to elimination room.. where yet another round of competition ensues.. winner of the show gets $250000. high stakes yea!

But the highlight of the show was when one of the girl actually slept with another guy whom she found to be cute, and that guy wasnt her partner.. so that made her partner pretty upset indeed.. poor guy.


YSunday, April 15, 2007' 11:15 PM
My Country Garden

Obviously, depressing news come first.

Corp reporting was more screwed up than expected.. it HAD to be our last paper, and it left a very very bad taste in our mouths after that. Like deb says, you juz got hit by a car but you dunno how you died.

To me, a screwed up exam used to be one which you screwed up enough to not be able to get a B+, but knowing that you'll be able to pass at the very least. After corp reporting though, a thorough review of such a definition is in order.

Screwed up for KTA's paper simply means: wtf just happened?! and honestly, there is no telling whether you'll pass for sure. hmmm well yea maybe, if KTA was kind enough to moderate the entire cohort upwards by say... 40%??

The 3 hrs + 15mins (he extended the duration by 15mins at the very last moment, after seeing how so many of us couldnt finish the paper) was completely hellish.. you see numbers swimming around but you dunno where they came from or where they should go. your consolidated balance SHIT just wouldnt balance. it is SHIT all rite, and you decide to skip the whole damn question altogether.

enough balance shit though.

joke of the day:

SMU student to NTU / NUS student: What? you mean to tell me after i finish my exams, go for holiday and come back and you're still not done with exams?!?!

haha.. okay, enough suanning.. now for the post exam celebrations!

Cheesecake cafe at siglap - they have the best cheesecakes on the island.. like seriously. In the pic are american cheesecake, oreo cheesecake and tiramisu. however, it is very inconvenient to get there if you do not drive..

cheesecakes werent satisfying enough for supper.. so we headed down to brewerkz for the buffalo wings. danny was there too, how time flies, hadnt realize it's been 2 yrs since he graduated?!

Pacific coffee at vivocity.. it has alfresco seating at the back that overlooks sentosa.. great view and great coffee.. no wonder kwok likes that place so much.. all the best for exams babe! know whats the perrrrfect plan to chill after ur exams?? shop all the boutiques downstairs andden head up to chill at PCC when our legs are tired.. kekeke

move over mango (their clothes aint that great this season) and make way for river island! damn.. they DO have some really nice dresses.. seriously liked this very much, but it costs like $105, decided to forgo it in the end so that i can buy two zara dresses for $120...

okay, this is seriously the best recommendation i've got to offer you so far.. Robataya Yoyogi at robertson quay.. it's a japanese grill restaurant that serves superb food at super affordable prices.. we had the set dinner (available during wkdays lunchtime and sunday night only) and as you can see, the set jacky and i ordered consisted of sashimi, tofu, jap fishcake, grilled beef, gohan, yasai miso soup and macha icecream.. (i actually ate the vegetables that came in the soup so that's very telling okie..) anyhow, the entire set costs only 15.50.. damn worth it rite? i think mom's planning to go there again VERY SOON.. :D
But for now, am really looking forward to the redang cruise next week..


YSaturday, April 14, 2007' 11:22 AM
My Country Garden

This is a post to commemorate my last paper which i will be taking in 2 hrs time..

It's one hell of a killer mod, and i failed both the midterms before this..


p/s: wish us LOADS of luck pls... it's a rather desperate situation we have right here.

p/p/s: you who stash away your beans in a secret corner but do not count them regularly wouldnt know if they have been stolen.. or shld i say, eaten?

YTuesday, April 10, 2007' 11:40 PM
My Country Garden

Some pretty upsetting news

HANOI, Vietnam - A fugitive mouse delayed the departure of a Japan-bound airliner for more than four hours Sunday as technicians hunted down the potential threat, airline officials said.

A passenger spotted the white mouse running on the floor of the plane on an initial leg of the Vietnam Airlines flight, prompting a hunt by about a dozen technicians worried that it could chew through a vital wire.

The mouse was found in a food storage area and the Boeing 777 was cleared for takeoff, said Tran Tien Dung, head of the airline's air safety department.

"This is the first time we experienced something like this," airline spokesman Nguyen Chan said.
Chan said Vietnamese aviation authorities suspect that a passenger brought the mouse on board in hand luggage.

Dung said the airline will caution passengers and increase baggage checks to make sure that no live animals are brought on board.

The mouse was killed, Dung said.



F*ck you babarians! You DO NOT kill mice understand?! Mice are sacred! UGH.


YSunday, April 08, 2007' 7:00 PM
My Country Garden


Happy Easter to all! It's a joyous occasion to rejoice!

Esp if you've been abstaining from meat for the entire period of Lent (which lasted 40 days).. A self-proclaimed carnivore has been seriously deprived. And that is why... we decided to have a big MEAT feast when Easter arrives! Had this warped idea of wanting to sink my teeth into a piece of meat at 12 midnight! And decided to do the cooking myself since both parents are holidaying in Guangzhou (damn, i wanna be there too.. eff the exams! miss the shopping + eating there.. mom says they did alot of shopping for us, hope it's true!)

So anyway, this is me, sinking my teeth into a piece of steak at 12 midnight. Don't worry, it aint as barbaric as it sounds!

My chicken fillet prepared with my own recipe! I think it is the thigh meat, had to remove the bones before marinating.. and that is such a chore. But i think the chicken was better than the steak.. the skin was crispy, and the meat was juicy..

The steak! Marinated with Lea and Perrin's Worcestershire sauce.. a pity it wasnt as gd as the chicken because it was well-done.. steak tastes better medium-well...

And the left-over pizzas from Mo's class party.. But i do think my cooking beats the pizza! haha oops. Maybe i shld get jacky to do a testimonial for me.. muahahaha.

And allow me to introduce you this... the miracle medicine for all those pseudo-muggers (ppl who study only 1 wk b4 the exams, i.e, ppl like me) out there.. becuz we're not used to all those late night muggings, and we tend to fall asleep while rushing through 13 wks worth of readings.. this is exactly what we need! liquid warheads! it is super sour.. i recommend only two drops per consumption.. >.< [okay, well.. credit goes to Mo... ]
Attended the wedding of an ex-colleague yesterday.. guess what! she actually managed to invite the head of commod to her wedding.. power sia.. but thanks to my short-term memory, i forgot what his name was..
the one question that ressonated in our heads for the rest of the day: do angmohs give angbaos at local weddings?
looking back, i think the ppl whom i worked with during my previous internship were really a nice bunch.. they're the kind of ppl you can click with..

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YThursday, April 05, 2007' 10:53 PM
My Country Garden

4th april is such a cursed day.

it was the day i heard the sound of death (or so Uncle W. puts it).. and before i could do any damage control.. the system hanged. that was the last i saw of my OS.. and all the documents (and pictures! and music files!) stored in it.

So i gave CIT (our sch's IT help desk) a call

Guy: Hello, S**M*U.
Me: Hi, is this the CIT?
Guy: Hm, sort of..
Me: ?? Er okay. I've got a problem with my notebook.. the hard disk crashed..
Guy: Notebook model?
Me: X31
Guy: Describe the problem?
Me: Was working on a document when the hard disk starting making a lot of noise. I tried to back up my stuffs using an external disk drive but before i could do that the system hang. when i restarted my com they prompted that operating system was not found. i extracted the hard disk and connected to my desktop, but it could not be read.
Guy: Okay. I've got bad news for you..
Me: ya?
Guy: your hard disk is dead. (he had to pause for that dramatic effect) all your data is gone. (pause again) but the good news is, if it is under warranty you can come and replace it
Me: how can i do a data recovery?
Guy: You can do it at the professionals.. But it will cost you a bomb.

Yea, tell me about it, my exams are in one week's time. how fucked up can this get! but this is LIFE! things ALWAYS happen at the wrong time. but gotta move on and make do with my handicap.

anyhow this incident has increased my distrust and dislike for technology more than ever. gonna get a few more external hard disks and back up every damn shit fr now on.


YSunday, April 01, 2007' 4:20 PM
My Country Garden

Singapore Fashion Festival 2007! Topshop UNIQUE fashion show @ taka. Tickets went at $10 each.

Us! Before the fashion show.. Despite having bought tickets, we still needed to queue to get in! You shld have seen how fashionably other people were dressed.

At the fashion show! Well, the models looked a bit glum. The fashion wasnt all too great.. (or perhaps we had high expectations) And the models didnt wear bras! According to Kwok, this is the industry practice.. Cuz the models arent supposed to be wearing any stuffs fr other brands except the one they were modelling for.. I still maintain that clothes look prettier if you wear it with undergarment.. Anyway, most of the models were prolly size 0.. And yep, they had legs that went on forever... and the size of which were prolly that of our arms.. sobz. But we had pretty gd seats yea!

The fashion industry insiders... The guy in yellow looks vaguely familiar. think he's a celebrity make up artist or something.. not too sure though. the sunglasses were like... redundant? cuz the place was already dim as it is.. just to add to the 'dao' factor bah. We saw denise keller too.. Kwok thinks her features looked harsher in real life than in ads..

After the fashion show, we had to queue (yes, again) to get into topshop for their preview party. but it was all worth it, because each ticket came with a $10 voucher, and there was a 20% discount on regular items as well.. On top of which they served some finger food and drinks. But the highlight was prolly the free polaroids we get to take.. and the goodie bag! each goodie bag had a men's belt from topman, and a scarf from topshop.. not too bad for $10 eh!

Then we had dinner @ modesto. hot topic for the night is...... job search yet again.. [gd luck for monday!!] still do not feel the sense of urgency they were getting. graduating one sem later makes a hell lot of difference huh? poor Deb was missing fr the pics as she had to go back to sch for lesson on a FRIDAY NITE.. the life of a smoo-sian.. one word - SUCKS.

our dinner! the pizza was free anyway.. hoho. freak, am becoming the typical s'porean who likes everything that's FOC. but 'twas a gd meal..

What i did with the topshop voucher. new sunglass! and erm, a new top. Oh yea, that's the scarf from the goodie bag!

Hope you guys had fun too at the show! Lets go for another next yr.. keke..
At the very least, we had SOME LIFE during wk13. we're not that loserish yea! That said, it's back to churning report. gah.
Goodbye LIFE! See you again in two weeks!



Gimme some of that!


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