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YSunday, July 29, 2007' 10:40 PM
My Country Garden

internship ends this tues! omg, u have NO idea how glad i am to be reaching the end. basically, my progress during the last two wks was stalled because the co was unavailable to meet up. so yes, cant wait to be done with rotting. for those of u who had interned/are interning at suntec, gawd, only u guys will know what extreme weather conditions we have to put up with. sistah reckons that the temperature in our offices is abt 14-15 degrees.. i will not dispute that! even brought my semi-winter jacket to office, and under the advice of laysh, have been wearing gloves in the office as well. yea, quite ridiculous i know, but hell.. it's either wearing gloves and looking stupid or going to toilet every 5 mins to warm your hands under the dryer.. it's as if hell just froze over!

what i want to do post-internship:

1) wake up at 12pm and have my breakfast at 1pm
2) shop at 3pm, have tea at 5pm
3) queue for donuts (all singaporeans shld do this at least once, it's a singaporean thing - queuing for things that are not nice, and u dun realli need)

on a completely irrelevant note, do watch DISTURBIA. you wont regret it seriously, it's darn good!!

YTuesday, July 24, 2007' 9:05 PM
My Country Garden

if there's been no updates, it can only mean one thing - i'm busy.

busy with internship?

hell no!

so it's gotta be...

HARRY POTTER! yayyyyy *pops confetti*

boohoo.. so sadz.. the death toll isnt as high as i imagined it to be.. budden it is so unfortunate that the characters whom i like end up dead.. wa lau eh.. turn off. it kinda feels like striking 4d. [it's like how the football teams i support never seem to win]

but overall, the book disappoints.. understand that this is the toughest book to write, having to tie up all the loose ends and answer all those unanswered qns in the previous books.. but still.. the pace at the beginning was kinda slow.. and it doesnt help to introduce so many new characters into the last book! like erm.. dead people with weird names..

anyway, the final two members of akatsuki were finally revealed!! (akatsuki means dawn btw, wad an awful coincidence) and they look kinda... eerie. dunno why... especially the girl.. who still remains unnamed at this pt in time.. the guy is called pein.. and he kinda look like a punked up version of naruto, dun u think? wonder what their powers are like.

YWednesday, July 18, 2007' 9:26 PM
My Country Garden

A typical conversation with the mole, a soon-to-be freshie at smoo.

at this juncture, perhaps it will be quite appropriate to entitle it - THE SEARCH FOR OASIS

Mole. says:

Mole. says:
go where to check boss?

X (。◕‿◕。) jacky cheung world tour! says:
omg u suck

Mole. says:
vista is it?

X (。◕‿◕。) jacky cheung world tour! says:
r u paying for this

Mole. says:

Mole. says:
one rupiah

X (。◕‿◕。) jacky cheung world tour! says:
no only local currency accepted

Mole. says:

Mole. says:
10 cents

X (。◕‿◕。) jacky cheung world tour! says:
10 cents will buy you --> http://

X (。◕‿◕。) jacky cheung world tour! says:
would u like to upgrade to the mega deal to see the rest of the link

X (。◕‿◕。) jacky cheung world tour! says:
which will cost $1

Mole. says:

Mole. says:

Mole. says:
you have the makings of mac service personnel

Mole. says:
hurry up la

X (。◕‿◕。) jacky cheung world tour! says:
so will u upgrade to mega deal

Mole. says:
one sing dollar

Mole. says:

Mole. says:
hurry up

X (。◕‿◕。) jacky cheung world tour! says:

YTuesday, July 17, 2007' 9:07 PM
My Country Garden

On the jacky cheung concert, this i must say - i am impressed.

To be completely honest, i didnt turn up with an open mind. In fact, i was slightly biased against him.. Reason being jacky and i have gotten into numerous debates before over who is better - jacky cheung or jay chou, with jacky, obviously, supporting jacky. in fact, jacky went as far as to 'guarantee' that having listened to jacky cheung at his concert, i will think that jay chou is crap.

Which is why i remain impressed that jacky cheung managed to impress me. All that singing for close to 4 hours, surely he must be driven by passion, and not just for the sake of money? Jacky cheung did in fact hold his tunes very well. Although i liked only 30% of the songs he had to belt out that night, still, he did a very good job with the remaining 70%. and one could tell that he put in alot of effort into making his concert an entertaining one; to dance for 3 consecutive numbers in a row can indeed be very trying for a 46 year-old.

but no, jay chou is not crap, and he never will be. when it comes to music, i believe there are 2 primary factors which shape the kind of singers we support - the vocals and the song itself. Being a 'vocal' person, Jacky, naturally, supports jacky cheung, while i, on the other hand, support artistes like jay chou and britney spears for the songs they sing. of course, it is further undeniable that jay chou is truly talented, having written most of his songs himself.

but at the end of the day, the two factors are not mutually exclusive; it is just a matter of which would you place a greater emphasis on.
so yes, jacky cheung does sing very well, and jay chou is extremely talented; lets call this a truce!

YSunday, July 15, 2007' 10:51 PM
My Country Garden

Commencement 2007!

One word - boring. Speeches were really really dull. It took an ex chief justice to actually crack a joke that was vaguely humorous.. the most unlikely candidate of all, given how one would usually expect a chief justice to be of the stern and no-nonsense sort.

our cute profs all dressed in their gowns.

the procession...

we were bored.

Not forgetting the main characters of the day.. the graduates of course!
Congrats to the both of you!

My commencement will obviously take place one yr later. But i doubt it'll be something i'd look forward to anyway.. can already picture myself complaining abt having go back to school to fit the gown.. then bitching about having to carry the gown back home because it is so darn heavy.. and on the day of the commencement itself.. will be cursing as i struggle to get out of bed cuz i'd much rather spend my time sleeping at home than to sit through a boring 5 hr ceremony all over again.

YSaturday, July 14, 2007' 12:44 AM
My Country Garden

great dinner again today folks.. gotta keep this up! table topics for the nite (aside from those work-related, read: boring) included stange ideas on how to snip off a girl's long hair, ways to build ur resume, and near encounters with pickpockets in spain..

was trying to make a point abt the whole work and socializing issue today, but was a bit zonked out having endured listening to competitive employees argue their issues out in a boardroom for like an hour. seriously... it's not just the people, it's the company, there's just something wrong with the mentality of local companies. but shall not elaborate much here.

however, i've just managed to recollect my thoughts and guess this is what i wanted to say about infidelity and gender equality. hopefully it's clearer now.

consider the following real-life scenarios:

1) Guy A goes to sleazy KTV bar at the request of a major client. Client insists on getting call girls into the room.. in an attempt to 'fit in' with the expected behaviour and to 'bond' with the client, guy A did 'things' which, if beknownst to his girlfriend, will make her very upset. so he decides that for the good of all, she shall not come to know of this late night activity

2) [a different scenario] Girl B is a top insurance agent with a reputed insurance company. it is common knowledge that she's successful only because she sleeps with her major clients, who in turn sign up for huge policy packages.

Now, how do you think society judges these two acts of infidelity?

1) Guy A (and all the guys who have been in a similar position) will defend his actions by saying that he had no choice in socializing this way - it was purely for the sake of work, for the sake of closing one more deal to earn more money so as to better provide for his gf, or family, or dog.. whatever. In other words, they're the ones making the 'sacrifice'. Shld the girlfren be aware of this and kicks up a fuss, she is deemed as not being understanding towards her bf's career progression. She should in fact, just stay at home and suck thumb when her dinner date gets cancelled because her bf is out there groping the boobs of some other women which will (somehow) earn him more money. BUT she shld nevertheless accept this because he still loves her.

2) Girl B is less fortunate than guy A. [sigh] Males will all agree that girl B is a cheap and loose woman (even those guys who slept with her b4) , and to be her boyfren/husband is the most sia suay thing that can ever happen to a guy. Even females will join in condemning her; they'd call her nothing less than a slut who has no dignity and is completely undeserving of respect. Double whammy for girl B.

Question: why doesnt society think that girl B has no choice but to sleep with the clients so that she can close more sales? why can't it be all right for girl B's bf/husband to suck thumb at home while she gets banged by some other men in the process of earning more money?

The fact that polygamy still exists today is proof that gender equality is nothing more than a theoretical ideal; in reality, it does not exist. The fact that society even tries to justify the 'need' for men to 'socialize' underpins the very idea that a woman is worth less than her male counterpart. The fact that a man tries to keep his act of infidelilty from his partner is disrespecting her rights to decide what is good for her. And this is what i will never be able to condone - nor should you, as a female, for the fact that you deserve every right to be respected as much as the guy who is standing next to you.

Until the day comes wherein every unfaithful man owns up to his partner for his actions (without trying to find an excuse for it) and empowers her with the rights to decide the fate of their relationship; until the day comes wherein we see KTV pubs with male gigolos in it for the exclusive pleasure of the female gender -- only then can we start the debate on equality; only then will the males finally begin to understand what we, females have been enduring since the dawn of civilisation.

YFriday, July 13, 2007' 12:14 AM
My Country Garden

historically, i've been classified under the group named 'bimbo' on my sister's (aka the mole) MSN.

today, she informed me that i've been upgraded to 'retard'

when asked how does that constitute an upgrade, the reply was:

bimbos have nothing in their heads

retards do have brains.. just that it isnt functioning..

thought that was a pretty gd one there.

okay, guess i'm satisfied with the upgrade. will try for 'genius' in due course.

unfortunately for her, she's always been classified as 'idiot' on my list and will not be eligible for any upgrades in the forseeable future. so there!

YTuesday, July 10, 2007' 11:30 PM
My Country Garden

I've got my tickets to HP and order of pheonix already. have you?

In view of HP and the deathly hallows release next wk, would just like to remind all my dear friends out there to NOT spoil the fun by telling me the names of the two main characters who died. will seriously be upset if you did so!

Having said that, I am, of course, open to discussion on the issue and as a matter of fact, have rounded up 3 highly probable victims (which excludes voldemort obviously, because he shld most definitely be dead).

But pls DO NOT tell me the ending, pls dont post it on ur MSN nicks, and pls issue a spoiler warning ahead if you have to blog abt it! (only then those who do not wish to know the ending yet can avoid reading your post)

Every harry potter fan should rightfully be entitled to enjoy the finale of this spectecular series in its sequential entirety.. and i'd strongly advise you to not skip to the last chapter just to find out who died.. this is the last book and we shld all take the time and patience to savour every last bit of harry's magical world..

can't believe it's all coming to an end so soon! just cant stop marvelling at how brilliant the whole story has been put together -- the main plot, the subplots.. the completeness and coherence of the entire series and every single detail in it.. how each subplot flows in nicely with the main, and not a single bit of it is irrelevant at all.. how it all builds up to climax and resolve in the final chapter.. how the main plot carries through each volume yet doesnt appear too drawn out or stretched.. the timely pacing of each event that has occurred... oh my oh my.. this is one heck of an incredible series... argh... i dun want it to end. and yes, i'm being a teenybopper again..

p/s: kinda imagined that cho chang shld look prettier than this.. considering how she totally got harry mesmerized... this just doesnt live up to the book, man

YMonday, July 09, 2007' 11:49 PM
My Country Garden

the jay chou fan in me has just been awaken

does anyone know if he'll be coming sg? rmb reading somewhere that he will be.. but if u guys have any info pls let me know! :D

YSunday, July 08, 2007' 8:09 PM
My Country Garden

Over the wkend, we checked out a new club at clarke quay called arena. it's pretty much like mos, with live bands performing and all. drinks were pretty standard, price-wise, but i havent got a clue how much one has to pay for the cover charge.. basically, we got in for free cuz a fren's fren was working there and he could sign us in or something. so it was really cool.

what was interesting that night was that there was this one group of young ladies who were at the club to celebrate their fren's last wkend as a bachelorette aka hen party if u prefer.. so the 'gd frens' kinda like sabo-ed their soon to be wedded fren on stage.. and she was to dance with the lead singer of the band, like slow dance you know.. but as the music progresses.. his hand kinda like slipped lower and lower down her waist.. haha.. she was like so embarassed.. but that was not all.. the singer proceeded to take off his top to reveal that rather well-toned body (u can vaguely see some abs lah, i think..) and started rubbing his body against hers (everyone in hte house was exclaiming by then..) and after the dance ended, he gave her a damn long french!

in the US, such a party would have been considered very tame. (they'd normally get male gigolos instead) but in the context of an asian society like sgp (read conservative) i think the entire act was pretty wild -- especially when it's performed in a club before hundreds of people, some of whom were happily snapping away!

how would you envision your own hen party to be? as for me, it would be nice to have all my girlfrens going for a manicure session together followed by a simple dinner with champagne. but erm, my sis thinks i'm being the ultimate loser. times have changed.. really. sigh.

on a completely different note, feeling really excited these days.. its seems that the people i know are abt to start on their careers or have started already. it's really abt entering a different phase of our lives.. dinner topics from now on will probably not be about how irritating your projectmate used to be..or how short the slut used to wear her skirts to school.. and perhaps for most of us, we'd be able to afford to dine at more luxurious places instead of the common food courts.. so gd luck to all who needs it, dun forget abt me when ya all become rich and famous yea!!

YTuesday, July 03, 2007' 9:38 PM
My Country Garden

Seriously.. there is no reason to not like this girl!

she's damn versatile, which makes it unsurprising why queen of pop madonna likes her better than the other artistes..

Cinderella - One of britney's less well-known song, but a fantastic one nevertheless! there aint no official video for this.. so what you see is pretty much a mish mash of all her popular videos.. it is prolly one of those better put together DIY videos out there..

everyone should be able to dance like britney!


YMonday, July 02, 2007' 9:38 PM
My Country Garden

Not quite.
It's chijmes!
For jacky's advanced bday celebration, we spent 3 hours feasting on a variety of meat which the chefs had to dish out.. lamb shacks, beef ham, beef tenderloin, pork ham, pork ribs, bratwurst sausages, bacon, chicken thigh, chicken breast and yes -- tasty chicken hearts!
oooh the brazillians are carnivores indeed!
but it was a good meal that nevertheless left us feeling very satiated..
and now.. to heal that bad throat


Gimme some of that!


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