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YTuesday, August 28, 2007' 9:40 PM
My Country Garden

Looking fwd to Friday, the music, the drinks and the company!

YSunday, August 26, 2007' 2:22 PM
My Country Garden

Guess who is back?!

the dok with an attitude!!

our fabulous korean bbq!

the resident evils

all with sai

sofiatto at menotti's! seems like this is everyone's favourite

kwok's feeble attempt to 'poison' me

YFriday, August 24, 2007' 3:33 PM
My Country Garden

YTuesday, August 21, 2007' 12:14 PM
My Country Garden

Today is a -fine- example of a morning that has gone completely wrong. All functioning phones in the house just couldnt stop ringing and it was plain ridiculous that aside from manning the home phone and my mobile, i had to answer the calls on my dad's mobile as well - because he was busy in the kitchen cooking curry chicken. {now imagine: "Hello, may i speak to arthur pls?" "No, you may not. He's cooking curry chicken now." duh.}

This is not a trading desk / office and it is beyond any reasonable comprehension why we're bombarded with this amount of calls. I've only just managed my daily three rounds of morning beverages (which has almost become ritualistic) and my preparation for the japanese test tmr is absolutely and resolutely going nowhere; having being interrupted one too many times, my trend of thoughts and concentration on the subject has been entirely lost, which is disastrous to say the least when it comes to learning a foreign language. it certainly did not help either that an itsy bitsy puny ant was crawling all over my specs and in the process of doing so, disrupted my vision. -and!- i've got pieces of da paolo's tiramisu dropped all over the pages of my textbk, leaving ugly stains behind =(

it is times like this i wish i hadnt waken up at all. hopefully, peace will come soon enough when the father leaves for lunch with his regular gang and takes his hp and debates on the mkt volatility along with him.

i've still got a 101 tasks left to complete before wrapping up for the wkend with a lovely bout of korean steamboat with the -glorious- ncc pals, if it even materialises at all.

YSunday, August 19, 2007' 11:58 PM
My Country Garden

Despite my hectic work schedule, i've just updated my country-garden series!

Banner pic: The ex primary sch field

Behold the new additions:

The familiar - just some of the old pics which you may have seen before:

With this, pls feel free to provide constructive critique on how i can improve.. i wont take offence, really.

On an ending note, i'd hereby like to announce my decision in joining the ranks of dans the man and pang the pro in the 'to-get-DSLR' club. given my level of professionalism (which is highly amateurish, quite evidently) my budget is -logically- substantially lower than theirs, which puts me in the lower range of SGD1500-2500. Any recommendations?


YTuesday, August 14, 2007' 3:44 PM
My Country Garden

The Smugger goes to Noose!!

And primarily as a bio science student when i have no freaking bio background at all. Good Lord! How am i to write a bio essay for the final exam?!

Modules I will be reading in my final semester:

Food: Security and Safety
Genes and Society
Bio Models in Business Application
Japanese 1
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management

I am especially excited abt the last course, particularly after reading the course syllabus. Finally a course that gets my adrenaline going:

Reckon this will be a very challenging course, and probably the only module i'd be looking forward to reading, at least for the equities bit. Minus the EMH shit though, enough of that already! But bring on TA! if all goes well, i can save on the martin pring 'bible'..

YMonday, August 13, 2007' 9:44 AM
My Country Garden

Guilty Pleasures at Canele!

We love our cakes:

Who is Yv? Who is dawn? Ppl are starting to think we look alike.. Is it the mouth? or the eyes? Plus the whole reversal of roles - Yv now has long hair and i now have short hair

My fave photo - the 3 lunatics:

The Before:

The Massacre:

The Aftermath:

The end!

p/s: two other guys were present in this outing but would rather not associate themselves with the 3 cam whores of the day. as such, their identities have been concealed for fear of a possible backlash. but credit goes to them nevertheless; without them, the above pictures would not have been possible.

p/p/s: have sent this pics in WINZIP format via, check ur emails for the pics! link expires in 7 days..

YThursday, August 09, 2007' 10:20 PM
My Country Garden

For all the hype it has generated, i think the NDP parade disappoints. Lets see - who should be fired first? The programme director, the costume designer, or the cameraman? I think it should be the lyricist.

But the govt may wanna fire the cameraman, for filming our mighty ministers in white adorning those kiddish-looking, light-emitting, completely revolting and lacking in taste toy hats that is supposed to ressemble, omg, what? a lion?!

saving grace of the parade: the fireworks and pyrotechnics.

p/s: the lion's eyes actually SPARKLES. like wow. you should have seen how my eyes rolled.

Y' 9:46 PM
My Country Garden

Will miss these gals... All the best on your exchange and have LOTSA FUN, ie, swedish meatballs, swedish chocolates, swedish men... do gimme an update on which among the three is the most delicious ok? ;) haha..

YTuesday, August 07, 2007' 12:06 AM
My Country Garden

Cartel Dinner

Gotta put these pics up because we know that pang will kill to not have them around

It's kinda hilarious how 3 out of 4 cartel members have the same nokia phone...

my phone has been dying on me every now and den. perhaps its time to join the rest in the 6300 gang?

Ugh, anyway, today marked a huge milestone in my life - haircut! it's no ordinary haircut, mind you, but my first time in many years that i have decided to go short hair. takes a hell lot of courage to get onto that chair at the hairdressers, and a hell lot more courage to put up with the final product.

YThursday, August 02, 2007' 2:31 PM
My Country Garden

hola holidaysssss! this is dahhh life.

waking up at noon, going shopping in the afternoon and meeting frens for dinner at night.

if only it neednt end in two wks' time...

met up with debs yesterday.. discussed abt quite a number of things, but mostly abt our upcoming grad trip.. think a part of me is getting really excited abt visiting japan (motherland of the SASHIMIIII), though the other part of me dreads the winter chilllllll... in preparation for the trip, i've gotten myself an armani hat.. which deb reckons looks much better than wearing a beanie.. hopefully, worth the money eh! part of the hat is made of angola fur, which realli pissed the mole off cuz she reckons that armani, being the business minded guy he is, would probably have hundred of rabbits killed just to make those hats.

debs brought up a good point yesterday -- could tobi actually be obito? this makes a bit of sense since tobi has only one sharingan, and obito previously gave one of his to kakashi.. plus! tobi was spotted with a number of stitches across his chest.. so he could have gotten himself stitched up or something. it's a really neat idea i've nv thought of.. but why wld obito turn evil? maybe some evil guy found obito's half crushed body and sharingan, and decides to have it for himself? hope the author speeds up with the manga... it's too frggin slow..


Gimme some of that!


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