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YSaturday, September 29, 2007' 10:20 PM
My Country Garden

My first attempt at nabeyaki udon..

Quite a healthy dish.. added mainly mushrooms (3 diff types), veggies (spinach + cabbage), fishcake, beancurd.. etc.

secret ingredients in making dashi: konbu + bonito flakes! duh, its not really a secret anymore is it.

got most of the stuffs from meidi-ya, the importer of INFLATION from japan, at exorbitant prices..

the end result:

post mortem:
1. the beef slices were really tasty.
2. must improve on presentation.
3. need to increase bonitoflakes to soup ratio.
4. add meat to enhance the flavor of soup.
5. dont forget the EGGS!
6. should get a bottle of red chilli pepper

Okay, next round of udon should taste better.. except for the fact that... there will be no next round.

YWednesday, September 26, 2007' 9:16 PM
My Country Garden

Farewell dinner~

Parting is always bittersweet... but at least, with Sai gone we'll be able to cut back down on expenses and channel them into...... clothes and cosmetics. (and yes, we told her that!) haha. kwok and i swear we're so darn bad for each other!

Dinner at mama's carribean bar.. the food was gd!

Trying to look sad cuz sai's leaving. as you can see, kwok's not putting in any damn effort in looking sad. she SOO looks like she's luffing..

and sai wanting to 'dress up' as a vampire before leaving. sai sprouted a lot of rubbish that night, i think it was the beer she had during dinner.

i *heart* these two pics, the color is DAMN nice. and the pic looks like it was taken overseas can! very christmasy kinda feeling. this is accomplished after much editing of course, they were initially failed pics which i was comtemplating to delete cuz sai took it w/o flash. it was super blur so i applied unsharpen mask + adjusted the colors and voila! i so damn shld make a living out of image editing.

YMonday, September 24, 2007' 10:16 PM
My Country Garden

I really hope we get to dine here again when we visit bangkok! the ambience was just fantasssstic! but of course, you DO pay quite a bit for it tho.

YSunday, September 23, 2007' 11:06 PM
My Country Garden

After much postponing and procrastinating, we finally got round to watching ratatouille today. it's a brilliant show, primarily because remy the rat was so darn cute! i lurrrrved his pinkish jelly-like droppy little nose that wobbles, i wished my mouse had a nose like that too!

actually, the movie kinda portrayed paris to be a lot more beautiful than what it really is. in reality, the streets of paris are a lot stinkier, a lot dirtier, and a lot dimmer... will not dispute however, that the city has GOOD food.

i've come to realise that in life, there are 3 things which can have an uplifting effect on a person's mood:

(and when all else fails.. though generally NOT recommended)

however, the list for most females would usually include one more item:


looking forward to december.. japan trip followed by bangkok getaway.. intensive shopping + eating! SSSHHIIIOOOKK! just exactly what i need b4 joining e corporate ratrace..

YWednesday, September 19, 2007' 1:38 AM
My Country Garden

wah, didnt plan for this double entry for today. just happened to read a pretty interesting blog post else where, and here's my 2 cts worth on it:

first and foremost, within a circle of friends, there is no one person who is more impt than the rest.

all are equal, obviously, and if one shld desire to meet up with the rest (because that person can now afford the time to), then the person shld initiate an outing, or at least indicate his/her interest of having one.

the person also shldnt work on the assumption that the other friends have full knowledge of his/her own (busy) schedule unless he/she makes it known to others.

further, that same person shld never expect to sit around, hoping that an invitation will fall from the sky - afterall, why must others always be the one doing the co-ordinating? (planning for an outing is not only time-wasting but annoying as well, having to check with all other members of the group just to confirm an outing.)

there must also be some common understanding that the other friends may be busy with their own lives too, because some of them are either working, or seeking job applications - which therefore means they wont have time to continually check if someone else's schedule is less hectic.

failing the above, that person shld NOT conclude that he/she has been outcast by the group and that the group has been uncompromising. social disengagement as we know, is a two way process. unless the person decides to outcast his/herself, he/she can still be involved in a social group.

the final point i'd like to make is - everyone has to adopt a proactive role to keep a friendship going. so perhaps the question to ask urself is, have you done so?

YTuesday, September 18, 2007' 4:30 PM
My Country Garden

BEHOLD FINALLY... the long awaited photos!

The resident camwhores take it up a notch - to the studio!


doksai looking melancholy

the famous SMOO jumping pose, attempted with 2 non-smuggers

this was potentially a nice shot, quite pissed with the photographer for screwing the lighting up tho. so this is re-edited by urs truly!

dok sai looking melancholy again

this is kwok looking oh-so-arabianisique.. the photo kinda ressembles a TIME magazine cover.. with a title that reads: OPPRESSED WOMEN OF THE MIDDLE EAST. like seriously.. what a mysterious air to it!


my mask was talking to me.

a proper pic of us together, damn the lighting looks weird!


Okay, and here are a few awards to be handed out..

and the special mention award for being the most hilarious photo goes to.........

the attack of the conical bra! (poor kwok)
(damn shit, i tell u dok sai sure can pose, note her expression! how professional! she was even clutching her cone?! OMG)

the next two awards go to my two favourite photos of the entire shoot, and the runner up is...

and finally... presenting... the winner of the photoshoot!


Right.. right... so this wraps up a 400 dollar photo shoot...

so dun ask me why i'm feeling broke! damn, i wanna shop!!! blardy hell, where has time gone to?!?!

YSaturday, September 15, 2007' 11:09 PM
My Country Garden

We camwhored so much, i dun even know how to organize these pics..

While waiting for the rest

Permutations and Combinations. The possible 7C2 pairings...

Acting stupid already.. Top right corner - the ex-convicts! See how convincing they look? Damn, i knew i was right when i cast them for their roles..

More 7C2 combinations. Bottom right corner - WC acting cute! BIG TIME!

Debbie and I were trying to take a pic when kwok ambushed us from behind.. top right corner - kwok terrorizing us!

The dancing queens..

Indivudual portraits

More lemons!

The crazy folks, gosh i'm starting to miss these outings already...

Lots of drinking of course...

And this is what happens when u fail to out-talk jac.. you DRINK!

Pic of da nite! With my regular proj (cum bitching) partner since yr 1!

And for interest sake, i'm down with food cum alcohol poisoning, could be one or the other, or could be both. It's hard to say.. but somehow, we've tracked it down to the chicken soy sauce noodle we had for dinner.. because dok sai threw up too.. and she picked up pieces of the undigested dinner from her vomit to examine.. (the things that doktors do, really!)
abt 50% of my stomach lining feels like it has been eroded by alcohol, and i regret not taking a proper FULL meal b4 drinking. feeling damn hungry today, but cant put anything into my mouth without feeling like puking. gahhh...
thanks for the fun nite out anyway guys! lets do this again when dok comes back next yr!

YWednesday, September 12, 2007' 12:03 AM
My Country Garden

Our new samsung LCD TV is tuned in to the asian food channel some 15 hrs a day.

It's not such a bad thing though. At the very least, it liberated my dad from his "chinese are the smartest, chinese are the best, chinese are the thriftiest, and chinese have the best cuisine" obstinate way of thinking. after a month of daily 'hokkaido journey' viewing, he is now thoroughly convinced that hokkaido is the best place to visit for tasty seafood treats. and if all goes well, we may be headed there for a ramen cum hotpot cum sashimi cum retreat next summer. ahh so looking forward.

the other programme that seemed particularly fascinating was 'escape to river cottage' or something to that effect. in the show, the cook whops up a dish using whatever he has hunted during the day.

in one of the episodes, he actually made bunny burgers. needless to say, the burger patties were made from the rabbits he hunted. *sobz* rabbits are so cute can!

also in that same episode, he brought home a GIANT mushroom (i think it was puffball) that weighed some 6.5 pounds. the mushroom was so huge you'd think that they existed only in alice in the wonderland. seriously! they dugged up the flesh so that the mushroom became a 'pot' for them to dump in other stuffs like pigeons and fungi and veggies blah blah. and they baked the entire 'mushroom pot'. it was amazing...

watching too much of these food programmes really brings out the 'chef' in you and makes you wanna cook up a storm as well.. too bad dok's cancelling on us this sunday and we cant seem to find a replacement day.. so... what a bummer! ok, gotta watch ratatouille soon... like seriously. 've got damn cravings to eat now.

YMonday, September 10, 2007' 11:30 PM
My Country Garden

Just an add on: Dok actually went thru a fair bit of research on how to make a conical bra.. afterall, conicals dun just fall from the sky, do they. see how proudly she displays her stuffs? *SALUTE* i'm starting to suspect that we will still laugh abt this say 10 yrs down the road...

YSunday, September 09, 2007' 1:07 PM
My Country Garden

A prelude!!

Lunch, prior to photoshoot:
The final touch up:

The dress up!! Sai as MADdonna, Kwok as arabian belly dancer, and me as some venetian masquarade

Sai's version of madonna's conical bra is CLASSIC! (she made the entire outfit herself!) the wig wasnt exactly madonna-ish. More like the blonde version of Lion King. And Kwok was assaulted by the twin peaks! (or were we assulting those twin peaks?!) oh man, cant wait for the pics.. the fun thing abt the photoshoot was that everyone was just so spontaneous.. think we kept the photographer highly amused the entire afternoon..

YThursday, September 06, 2007' 11:49 PM
My Country Garden

The one biggest gripe I have about Noose is the fact that we’re constantly exposed to the elements of weather as we traverse between the different faculties. And Singapore as we know, frequently oscillates between the two weather extremes – blazing hot sun and merciless heavy downpours. Experience further tells us that the two extremes are not mutually exclusive too. I ought to get this into my head, that a bright and sunny morning certainly doesn’t exempt one from bringing her umbrella to sch. (not that having one will help either if the rains seem almost semi-torrential). Aside to the Smuggers: you OUGHT to appreciate that freaking concourse we have in sch! I cant decide if this post is meant to bitch abt the weather or the sch. Maybe a bit of both. My mind is in a constant state of flux and I can hardly put together a single coherent trend of thought. The only consolation to me now is that the wkend is already in sight. I can already feel and breathe it. Tonight’s poker session had better be good. I don’t need to win, I just need the fun, the solid humor with a little dash of lame jokes. Hell yea!

YWednesday, September 05, 2007' 11:13 PM
My Country Garden


Weird little things that change over extended periods of time. Hope i havent gotten them all wrong.

YMonday, September 03, 2007' 10:29 PM
My Country Garden

Be forewarned -- lotsa cam whoring coming yer way!

Us at Modesto's

Kwok & Dok (it rhymes!)

the quarter centurians

we rule the world.

again, we rule.

we rule! get that?!

dok acting nonchalant

acting cool!

acting stupid.

acting spastic.

acting man.

kwok acting cute!

self shot - the only one that looks vaguely successful (when the rest of us had failed) with a bit of each person captured in the frame. think the photographer was jacky?? ok paishou.

the sinister men.

And to end off, finally a decent pic of us!


Gimme some of that!


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