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YWednesday, October 31, 2007' 10:26 AM
My Country Garden

I've just completed my essay on reproductive and therapeutic cloning last night and man, that does feel good. it's one hell of a smoking masterpiece with smokebombs planted here, there and everywhere - you wont know where you got smoked!

on a slightly depressing note, deb and i noted that the intelligence level of our project groupmates this semester is at an all time unprecedented low. sigh.

strangely, my throat is feeling much better today. and because i had quite a huge helping of sashimi for lunch yesterday, it leaves me to (il)logically conclude that sashimi has miraculous healing powers! mina-san, sashimi o yoku tabemasu yo!

after lunch, deb and i went window shopping. think we all agreed that shopping on a weekday afternoon is GOOOOD. no crowd, no mess.. we went into this store at the new suntec extension and gosh, they sold very lovely winter clothing at okay prices! there was this pair of very very pretty socks on display but it was out of stock. and so, i've been put on waiting list for the next shipment. guess it kinda sounds ridiculous that you have to reserve a pair of socks.

Quote of the day:

"And if the shuttle bus decides to screw you over, you are answerable to the bull-dozer."

YTuesday, October 30, 2007' 12:18 AM
My Country Garden

i dunno what gives me the rights to say this, but i hereby declare that electric blue is OUT! it's OVER and PASSE and DONE WITH!

sheesh, i cant walk more than 2 metres in school these days without having to pass by some girl dressed in that shade of blue.

But what really did it was when a team of bimbotic girls came dressed up in electric blue for their group presentation. OMG, it was just such a RETARDED sight. like seriously?!

it's NOT cool when everyone's wearing the same thing. not cool at all. so move on folks! electric blue's so totally overdone.

i shall call it vommit blue from now on. oh gawd. my eyes.

YWednesday, October 24, 2007' 11:49 PM
My Country Garden

The title says it all.

Fergie mama.

Big girls dont cry!

It was a great concert! we bought $77 tickets but managed to move to a $168 seat because there were vacancies.. When u attend concerts by asian artistes, u sit down abt 90% of the time and stand only 10% - that's when u clap at the end. for angmohlang concerts its the other way round - sit 10% and dance 90%. It was great fun! Now.. looking forward to jay chou's concert in january... i've got my tix already... have you?!

YMonday, October 22, 2007' 5:29 PM
My Country Garden


it's such a refreshing change from the prince of pop! OMG OMG OMG! he's too damn talented le! and it's not just abt the song, it is the directing too. (no prizes for guessing who directed the video huh!)

i used to wonder why jay chou doesnt dance often in his MVs, is it because he cant dance? but this MV totally answered my question! jay chou CAN dance if he wants to :D

song: 7.5/10
MTV directing: 9/10!

to all u j-detractors out there: quit complaining abt him not changing his style.. not that he needs to, but this shld be enuff to shut u up

oh btw, jay chou kinda inspired this group of piano fanatics to master his pieces from the secret and they're posting up the videos of themselves playing it on youtube. the best part is people are sharing advice on how they can improve on their pieces. it's pretty amazing! and btw x2, i just found out that jay chou actually composed some of the piano pieces from secret himself..

YSunday, October 21, 2007' 10:47 PM
My Country Garden

(Joe memorizing her biz law stuffs as usual)

Joe: ...... (ramble ramble ramble) therefore, i maintain that Robert should NOT return the cupboard and...
me: no. robert SHOULD return the cupboard..
Joe: Unless you're Robert...
me: If i'm Robert i'd throw the cupboard at you
Joe: Provided you can, you nua kia...

(five mins later)
me: Joe..... i've lost my drive and motivation to study...
Joe: Since when have you ever had the drive?
me: well yea... true..

(moments later.. after brushing my teeth)
me: Joe! I've made a new resolution! I'm going to slack off for the rest of the term..
Joe: Hasnt that always been your resolution? Pls dun make your old resolution sound like new
me: It is new! it's because its going to be my last few weeks as a student and i want to enjoy it!
Joe: Stop paraphrasing your old resolution to make it sound new

(more random musings)
Joe: I see i was honorarily mentioned on your blog for pointing out something blatantly obvious (referring to me killing myself with a bio overload few entries back...)
me: but well... you DID say that.
Joe: I'm not denying that i said that
me: ok, then whats your problem with that
Joe: Please.. i've pointed out more obscure observations than this before

(even more moments laters)
Joe: Robert is gay.
me: Awww, aint that sad for you..

YFriday, October 19, 2007' 2:38 PM
My Country Garden

With bonds out of the way, will equities be a breeze?

I really appreciate my internship - it makes studying finance much easier. It does not guarantee better results of course, but at the very least it saves you a lot time..

Practical experience honestly beats theoretical knowledge hands down!

YWednesday, October 17, 2007' 8:57 PM
My Country Garden

The unlikely week 9 indulgence

The surprise gift!

The replacement phone - Ultra Shine:

sorry, to be shamelessly plugging myself in here, but i think my photos of the phone are damn chio! (Click to enlarge)

The anticipation...

YMonday, October 15, 2007' 8:57 PM
My Country Garden

Overdue updates!

The mid-autumn festival lightings along clarke quay.. beautiful eh!

Our free Guinness draught. They give it out free every saturday night, so do check it out if you're along clarke quay... Of course... never liked beer, i'm a magarita person!

Then, the 4 of us met up for Oktober fest @ clarke quay (yes, again)

But before that, it was dinner @ pasta de waraku.. The food was really gd!

Top left (clockwise): Squid Ink pasta, Cod roe and squid pasta, Hokkaido crab pasta, Cod roe and scallop gratin (our fave!)

At the Oktober fest!

It was really fun joining in the songs.. linking arms with the person next to you and swaying to the beat of the music.. after a while, we were kinda like is the music ever going to end?!

This is our hostess for the night, Heidi. (the one in the outfit) As u can see, she aint ur typical slim german hot chick. nevertheless, she's the german chio bu of the night, becuz she was just so fun.. and everyone wanted a piece of her. we've got a video of her doing the chicken dance, really cute!

The human train... the people were really sweaty, so thank gawd we sat that out.. there were drinking games too.. there was this aussie guy who gulped down (as in literally just GULP) down a pint of beer in less than 2 secs. he just kinda like opened up his mouth and POURED the beer down his throat. damn hardcore. everyone was stunned....obviously, he became the topic of the night.. and random people were just going up to him to congratulate him for that spectacular performance... ahh what 2 seconds of stardom can do for you.

The swiss alpine lions and their traditional... omg, i forgot the name of this instrument. but its swiss and erm... looks very difficult to play. the master was standing on our bench!

Hitman worshipping the instrument with a kiss... as u can see, everyone was highly amused..

all hail King Erdinger!

with that, it's now back to my sad sad existence.

Y' 2:13 PM
My Country Garden

And so it is. I'm such a regular at noose's spinelli, the staff recognizes me and where i'd normally sit by now.

So here i am, on a rainy monday afternoon overlooking the pitiful landscape outdoors, feeling so part of it, yet so distant at the same time. Outside, the rain pitter patters rhythmically, trying its best to not be overpowered by Andrea Ross' Moon River that's playing feintly in the background. Such delicate balance.. The greyness of the building further adds to the melancholiness of this mood.. Oh what a priceless moment this is! If only peace & tranquility could be bottled up for savoury in the hectic moments of life.

My quiche sits so delightfully on the table, looking especially tempting under this warm light... and so, i shall give it my whole-hearted attention now. i musn't deny myself from it any further. The hungry taste buds are waiting to be fulfilled...

YThursday, October 11, 2007' 10:11 PM
My Country Garden

It's my 4-times-a-year anime ranting session again!

latest addition to my top 5 fave anime list:

Fate / Stay night

Servant Saber - Spirit of Arturia

I know i know, i must be super outdated.. but it's a damn nice anime seriously!

In a nutshell, its abt a race to obtain a holy grail which will grant the winner their wishes. the contestants are magicians and they will each summon a servant (an ancient hero spirit) to fight for them in battles. In order to obtain the holy grail you must eliminate the other magicians and their servants. shirou, the main character of the story, is a complete noob at sorcery but accidentally summons the strongest servant, saber.. somehow in the process he falls in love with her, and would rather not have her fight.. but this is contradicting because fighting is the sole reason for the servants' existence.. one shortcoming of the series was that Type Moon tried to cramp a seemingly sordid story plot into 24 episodes, and as a result, the character development lacked depth.

the holy grail eventually turned out to be some form of WMD, so it's a bit like whats gg on in the world today. like how everyone thinks they can change or control the world by owning a WMD, and strive to eliminate all others who are suspected of building WMD.

and no prizes for guessing that the anime ended on a very sad note.

Magician Rin Tohsaka

i think mystical + dark + sad story line are the main ingredients for fantabulous animes.. the other example would be ayashi no ceres, though it got a bit sappy midway. think this anime was abt a celestial goddess called ceres, who was reincarnated in a girl called aya.. so all the bad guys were after aya because they wanted the powers of ceres.. and tooya, who was aya's lover, turned out to be ceres' mana (i know, it was like wtf?! when i watched that too) so he had to sacrifice his life for ceres to replenish her power and destroy all things evil, or something to that extent. in any case, tooya DIED, leaving his pregnant gf, aya alone behind. drama huh.

Behold, my top 5 anime picks:

1. Rurouni Kenshin / Samurai X (yes, still! i deserve loyalty points for this seriously.. it's been like 10 yrs already?!)

2. Cowboy Bebop (very contemporary.. one of the more 'westernised' animes. dok sai's fave too)

3. Fate / Stay night (newcomer!)

4. Naruto (the wait is kinda turning ppl off)

5. Eden's bowy (strangely, this anime left a very deep impression on me, though i still fail to grasp the storyline... damn chim shit)

So yup, ayashi no ceres gets the boot for being overly sappy..

when time is such a constraint these days, any anime that fails to interest me within the first 2 episodes gets dropped off immediately..

And NO, i dont think anime is childish, or at the very least, it depends on what kind of anime you watch. and not card captor sakura pls.....

YMonday, October 08, 2007' 3:17 PM
My Country Garden

I am seriously disturbed by how an increasing number of people seem to think I’m 16. Yea, I know I look young, but not THAT young surely?! Maybe it’s time to consider a perm.

Have u ever wondered why there seem to be a negative moral connotation associated with smoking? Or how some people (parents, especially) discriminate smokers, such that it is subconsciously ingrained in our society that ‘good guys don’t smoke’? Admittedly, smoking is an addiction for some, and having any sort of addiction implies a form of mental weakness. But shouldn’t this be applied to other forms of addiction as well? Such as caffeine addiction? Why aren’t heavy coffee drinks treated with as much contempt as smokers? Or is it because most criminals and the undersirables of the society are smokers? What if they were coffee drinkers as well? Has anyone conducted a survey to verify that? But whatever the outcome, just because criminals smoke doesnt mean smokers are criminals. The only reason why I’d lay off cigar, or more specifically, smoking as an addiction, is because it has a negative impact on our health. And it gives me a bad throat after that.

Totally random musings, just as random as the day has been.

YWednesday, October 03, 2007' 10:52 PM
My Country Garden

genes: where did you come from? where will you go?

to say that dawn is turning semi-cranky cannot be further from the truth. alas, reading too much abt genes and mutations makes me suspect whether, i too, am suffering from a genetic defect because i simply cannot comprehend all that i'm reading.

people dismiss my complaints on the subject matter, as all i'll need is a pass/fail grade. and that, dudes, is PRECISELY the problem. i have zero confidence in passing, and i kid you not. 3 gruelling attempts at different sample exam papers (of which the highest i've scored is only 30%), should be more than enough to prove my point.

i was never a science student to begin with, and shld have never overloaded myself with 3 bio mods to end my sch life with. this is effectively known as digging my own grave, and joe'd say i deserve no pity for having one foot into it already. the rest of me remains to be buried on saturday.

it is ironic how we used to joke that smoo should just set aside a plot of land for students to bury themselves under that crazy workload. little did i know, that it is noose and not smoo, which will eventually kill me.


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