It was a great concert! we bought $77 tickets but managed to move to a $168 seat because there were vacancies.. When u attend concerts by asian artistes, u sit down abt 90% of the time and stand only 10% - that's when u clap at the end. for angmohlang concerts its the other way round - sit 10% and dance 90%. It was great fun! Now.. looking forward to jay chou's concert in january... i've got my tix already... have you?!
Joe: ...... (ramble ramble ramble) therefore, i maintain that Robert should NOT return the cupboard and...
me: no. robert SHOULD return the cupboard..
Joe: Unless you're Robert...
me: If i'm Robert i'd throw the cupboard at you
Joe: Provided you can, you nua kia...
(five mins later)
me: Joe..... i've lost my drive and motivation to study...
Joe: Since when have you ever had the drive?
me: well yea... true..
(moments later.. after brushing my teeth)
me: Joe! I've made a new resolution! I'm going to slack off for the rest of the term..
Joe: Hasnt that always been your resolution? Pls dun make your old resolution sound like new
me: It is new! it's because its going to be my last few weeks as a student and i want to enjoy it!
Joe: Stop paraphrasing your old resolution to make it sound new
(more random musings)
Joe: I see i was honorarily mentioned on your blog for pointing out something blatantly obvious (referring to me killing myself with a bio overload few entries back...)
me: but well... you DID say that.
Joe: I'm not denying that i said that
me: ok, then whats your problem with that
Joe: Please.. i've pointed out more obscure observations than this before
(even more moments laters)
Joe: Robert is gay.
me: Awww, aint that sad for you..
Servant Saber - Spirit of Arturia
I know i know, i must be super outdated.. but it's a damn nice anime seriously!
Magician Rin Tohsaka
Behold, my top 5 anime picks:
1. Rurouni Kenshin / Samurai X (yes, still! i deserve loyalty points for this seriously.. it's been like 10 yrs already?!)
2. Cowboy Bebop (very contemporary.. one of the more 'westernised' animes. dok sai's fave too)
3. Fate / Stay night (newcomer!)
4. Naruto (the wait is kinda turning ppl off)
5. Eden's bowy (strangely, this anime left a very deep impression on me, though i still fail to grasp the storyline... damn chim shit)
So yup, ayashi no ceres gets the boot for being overly sappy..