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YFriday, November 30, 2007' 11:15 AM
My Country Garden

Gonna head out in a few moments' time to have lunch with our dean. muahaha.

YMonday, November 26, 2007' 9:15 PM
My Country Garden

Feeling kinda restless already. And feeling too darn old for exams.

On facebook, i've been sorted intoo... what?! slytherin?! gah, i thought i had enough courage in me to be a gryffindor.

YThursday, November 22, 2007' 10:10 PM
My Country Garden

My finance3102 team at noose!

And no, the noosians arent as 'alien' as what smoothies make them out to be.
But cheers to the most heck-care project team i've ever had. nobody really gave a damn abt our projects mainly because more than half of us in the team are year 4s, and our GPAs are more or less 'fixed'..

a typical conversation about our project usually goes like this:
"eh, you think i care?" "err no... because i dont think i care too!"

but the work gets done at the end of the day so it's really cool. slack as they may be, they're just as smart, think a couple of them were from rj. the whole rafflesian brain shit again. BAH!

argh! will miss watching naruto and playing poker at the back of the class every friday.. and finding the kaya lattice.. and sneaking off during break so as to avoid the traffic jam in the evening..

and er yea, my bag in the foreground is damn extra.

YWednesday, November 21, 2007' 10:12 PM
My Country Garden

Just a quick entry since i've just only updated myself with the two latest 'local' happenings in singapore.

1) 3 ang moh tourists from UK took a trishaw ride along clarke quay. all 3 grown men squeezed onto one trishaw pedaled by an old man. throughout the trip, they kept taunting him about the speed, and at the end of the journey, paid him only $5 instead of the $10 the old man was expecting because 'their money got nicked'. (sidenote: c'mon this is sg, it's not so common for your $$ to get 'nicked') BUT! the best part was, they filmed all of this on video and posted it up on youtube.

2) star blogger michelle quek and her friend were walking around toa payoh hub when her bag accidentally hit a chinese woman who was with her supposed ang moh bf. the chinese woman alledgedly hit michelle on her back with an umbrella in return, and the caucasian reportedly beat up the two girls. an 'ah beng' and some uncles stepped up to help the two girls, and blocked the angmoh and his gf from escaping. again, this was posted on youtube.

Needless to say, both incidents led to a public outrage and a whole slew of curses, expletives, and threats ensued. online, of course.

Well, the point of this post isnt to debate the morality of the committed acts. It also isnt about whether racial discrimination formed the main motivation behind these acts. In my opinion, it is just unfortunate that both incidents involved ang mohs and resulted in the conflicts being 'inter-racial'.

While there's been many complaints that the government should be doing something to protect our locals from these supposed 'acts of racism', people must understand that such conflicts do happen from time to time.

the underlying problem, in fact, seems to be something else. what the government should be wary of instead, is the community's response to these incidents. a good majority of the comments made by our locals carried the bitter tune of 'don't think you foreigners can bully us just because we're singaporeans'.

isn't it sad that our locals have this sort of mentality? isnt it sad that even we, as singaporeans, right here in our own country, feel diminished in the face of foreigners? isn't it sad that our locals have to go to such extreme, hurling insults and all, just to feel that maybe 'justice' can be delivered this way?

had the 'villians' in the above incidents not been angmohs, but one of our locals instead, i dont think the public would have been as bitter about it. furthermore, this feeling of 'bitterness' towards foreigners certainly didnt seem like it was cultivated overnight.

perhaps, the question to ponder about is: did our government's pro globalization and trade policies result in our middle strata feeling like they're 2nd class citizens in their home country?

this revelation is so sad because we know that no matter which country we migrate to, we will always be treated as a 2nd class citizen.. but to feel that way even in your own country... it's... a lot sadder.


YMonday, November 19, 2007' 9:03 PM
My Country Garden

Cool, the bow-tie blouse in white is sold out! The mole originally wanted to keep one for herself, but decided to sell it in the end.

Had a great time shopping with yv and deb yesterday! everyone bought at least an item for herself, yv bought the most though! not surprising since:

1) this is yv we're talking abt
2) she's drawing salary!

sigh. cant wait to earn my own $$$. when will that be?!

Days left as smugger: 16

YSaturday, November 17, 2007' 8:55 PM
My Country Garden

Hello dear frens! Pls allow me to introduce my new shop blog notime4shopping!

Please pass the address along to all ur fashion savvy frens! Will be grateful too if you could add it as a link on your blogs =)

Some pics from the photoshoot of our first collection:

YThursday, November 15, 2007' 4:12 PM
My Country Garden

me: bernanke's on tv. gosh, his beard has turned ridiculously white
the mole: must be the subprime
me: DUH! to be fair, his beard was greyish to begin with, but now it's damn white!
the mole: christmas is coming! he can be santa claus
me: but he's balding..
the mole: does it matter? santa claus wears hat...

some moments later, with the air of sudden realization..

the mole: OH! you can go be santa's elf!
me: ....
the mole: all those unemployed can go be bernanke's elves for x'mas. it all adds up now..
me: yea it's only right he provides us with employment. he's the cause of our plight..
the mole: you can start by cleaning santa's sleigh

and the mole proceeded to sing the modified -christmas- carol:
you better watch out
you better not cry
better watch out i'm telling u why
BEN BERNANKE's coming to town..

you have no idea how well that clicked. it sounded so SMOOOOTH. trying singing it urself!

will bernanke play santa this season with yet another round of rate cut? if so, then we may have an early x'mas this yr!

YTuesday, November 13, 2007' 3:22 PM
My Country Garden

So, our dear sponsor of the EPL plunged some 23% since its peak in Oct, during which one of our two soverign funds swallowed up a whopping 3% stake. And you may wonder where have a portion of our reserves disappeared to. Now, I'm not saying that Mr. EPL Sponsor is a bad buy. Afterall, it did look somewhat attractive back then with 4 consecutive years of double-digit ROE and a possible acquisition of a dutch bank at hand. Unfortunately, things didnt pan out in their favor and the rest as they say, is history. But what I must say though, is that the timing of the transaction is impeccable - the classic mistake of buying at a high?? Of course, Mr. EPL Sponsor isnt the only one penalised in this subprime crisis where everyone has a part to play and a price to pay. Yep, everyone. So people -up there- should stop denying that we, the almighty and ever resilient sgp is not affected by this crisis because clearly, we are.

Y' 9:39 AM
My Country Garden

getting tired of this blogskin. was thinking of getting a new one that is unique, and not those off the blogskins search engines. in other words, i gotta create one myself, and from scratch - the images and all. this should be so challenging, and so fun.

i'm trying to think of a new color scheme. and somehow, i'm rather inclined to choose something with a pinkish undertone. but at the same time, i dun wish for it to appear overly bimbotic/diabetic.

pink + black?
pink + white?
pink + cream?
cream + black?
maroon + cream?
purple + black?

suggestions anyone? (oh, and anything BLUE or ORANGE are completely OFF my radar. as in OFFFFF.)

will get down to it after the exams. should take no more than 3 days if i consistently work on it. but then again, it will be my first attempt, and ya'know how technology just lurves screwing ppl up.

YSunday, November 11, 2007' 7:47 PM
My Country Garden

Sometimes i look at my blog and wonder why do all my posts sound so freaking bimbotic. why am i always raving on about shopping, about concerts, about eating, about BRITNEY SPEARS (i swear the social stigma attached to being her fan is really bad, but like i said, i'm still PROUD of it. hahaha..) and then proceed to blog more abt, concerts, eating and more BRITNEY.

why don't i ever blog about the -seemingly- more 'intellectual' stuffs like the possible stagflation in the US, or the ongoing speculation in the oil market, or the unwinding of the yen-carry trades, or the weakening of the greenback, or the appropriateness of Bernanke's rate cuts, or the widespread uncertainty in the financial markets caused by the subprime woes and how that's -annoyingly- affecting my job hunt.

i -could- talk abt these. but why should you bother reading what i think? ur -most probably- better off reading dismal scientist, the economist, MS, and the likes of others who are 'professional analysts' (though sadly, these 'professionals' never get it right for like 50% of the time and are quick to change their minds upon realization that their previous prediction will not materialize. like the *ahem ahem* GS analysts...)

so yea, given the lack of justification for more 'intellectual' debates, i shall continue with my random musings on seemingly bimbotic stuffs that never fail to amuse me.. so looking fwd to shopping next wkend.. it's been too long since i last shopped. TOOO LOOONNNGGG.

here's a cute lil photo to end off this pointless entry! the 'sentry guards' of the sg zoological gardens. so lucky to be able to get a snapshot of them in this kawaii pose:

YSaturday, November 10, 2007' 12:35 AM
My Country Garden

Photos from my previous collection..

YThursday, November 08, 2007' 11:44 PM
My Country Garden

Just a short note before i try to head back to the books..

Britney's launched her new album, Blackout! Listened to the entire album today. There are a couple of tracks in there which are pretty awesome. Gimme more is supposedly the '#1 single', but i dun really fancy that. prefer Ooh ooh baby and Hot as ice.

Ooh ooh baby

Hot as ice

However, she seems most disinterested in promoting her new album. Insiders claim that this is because she's had quite a few disagreements on the production, like how she didnt like gimme more as #1 track, and she also didnt like the album title 'black out'. Sources claimed she said she'd rather not have a career than to work for something she didnt believe in.

In any case, her album would have topped the billboard charts if not for some last minute regulation changes which left her at #2 spot instead. but who cares, seriously. if an album is good, it is good. period.

Her most recent photoshoot with OK! magazine. Looks ok to me, really. wonder what's all the fuss about. she definitely doesnt look as looney as what they made her out to be. and she doesnt look fat right?! [mole still thinks she's too fat for the industry.] well, lets just say that there are many FATTER hollywood celebs out there...

and i've just read this article about a $25,000 chocolate cake? made from 17 different types of exotic chocolate and edible gold and what not. if i had a slice of that cake... i'd prolly sell it off and use the money to buy me some gooood clothes! :D

YTuesday, November 06, 2007' 1:01 PM
My Country Garden

The country garden series has a new addition:

snapshot of one of the roses we bought for granny's 81st.

YMonday, November 05, 2007' 10:47 AM
My Country Garden

Tai tai outing! unfortunately, the high tea buffet didnt pan out as expected since the legends didnt serve pastry.. but being determined to have our 'tea' that afternoon, in all 'tai tai' fashion.. we cabbed to.. robertson quay in our limousine cab!

our sinful indulgence


and more of us


cheapo shan posing with juan's limited edition LV bag!

ying was 'forced' to take photos with us

team W

nihon no supakurin jusu. laysh didnt get it right
(as usual, she knows how to pose with the bottle only haha) and made a mess.
so ying shows us how to pop it right. but still a mess nevertheless!

grey with grey and pink with pink.


team W conquered clarke quay

awaiting juan's *ahem* widelens photos for our all zhipai shots


the 3 evils

e 4 of us

and again

in summary.

our star
as evident in most photos, ying doesnt really like to take pics but too bad she has thick-skinned frens like us who keep forcing her into doing stupid poses together with us. haha!


Gimme some of that!


My shop blog

Dose of Britney


Past Works


Airtime here



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