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YThursday, January 31, 2008' 10:26 PM
My Country Garden

It's strange just listening to Britney's fabulous album while reading abt her second admission to the mental hospital last night...

what a waste...... such a terrible, terrible waste.. why oh why wont you pull urself together to make good music again?! you've got the most loyal fans in the universe waiting for your return.. damn it, is anyone listening?!

oh well, here's to remembering her better looking times..

before she turned into this..

Bi polar disorder.. never knew it could be this dramatic!

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YSunday, January 27, 2008' 8:06 PM
My Country Garden

Brewerkz last fri with sistah dearest and her bro! i simply cannot over-emphasize how great it was catching up with these guys.. sistah was gone for the longest time ever, i nearly thought she was never gonna come back!

recommendation of the day: Black bottom pie at brewerkz.

We never did notice before that brewerkz served desserts. but they do and it's pretty decent. behold our frozen chocoloate icecream on oreo crust in all her magnificent glory:

and it was HUGE. in fact it was much larger than coffeeclub's mudpie.. you'd prolly get a better idea of its sheer size here:

Our sistahly picture of the day:

the guys had their share of 'brotherly' picture too which totally stinks of chauvinism and spasticness so i'm not gonna put it up in case i get creamed..

feeling really glad for sistah and this rare opportunity she's been given. i wish her only the best! please dear, go kick some serious ass over there, prove to them that we asians are just as capable! :))

YTuesday, January 22, 2008' 9:15 PM
My Country Garden

Tadah! we were damn lucky to have gotten the tickets.. many ppl had to pay a premium (and quite a hefty one at that) in the secondary market

just when the concert was abt to start. as u can see, the number of lightsticks that went up was about 5x more than what we saw at jacky cheung's concert. of course, who cares if lightsticks are childish?! i think they add to the mood of the concert!

What can i say... Jay Chou totally owned that night as he impressed us time and again with his whole range of talents including a repertoire on the piano, drums, gu qin, guitar, shuang jie kun, and some weird acrobatic shit. But it was all too cool. that's what we call JAYNESS!

and his vocals improved tremendously.

jay belted out a whole list of fantastic songs that night.. enjoyed every single one of it.. amongst my faves were ye qu, cowboy on the run, ting mama de hua, ye de di 7 zhang, an jing, hei se you mo.. that's a lot for favourites but that's how it is with jay! all the songs are sooo nice. OMG OMG OMG.

seriously, who doesnt lurve jay?! he so totally rocks. and britney too! (more britney news below)

This wasnt recorded at the concert of course, but it's such a cool video of jay and yuhao playing the piano. guys who can play piano are just so... i dunno, there's just something very charismatic about that. between the two guys, i definitely prefer jay as an artiste. but somehow, yuhao seems to look better playing the piano.. if only the cameramen would focus more on him than on jay..
u know, jay kinda made playing piano cool again.. his influence is just amazing.

i'm still in awe. but let's move on..

after good music comes good food! our fave shun li yong tau foo at beo cresent (stall opens at about 11pm) and on average we'd queue for half an hour.. but for good food, it's all worth it. been eating this since primary school and it's still tastes very delicious. people come down all the way from bt panjang just to eat this!

And to top all of this frenzy off, there FINALLY has been some POSITIVE news on the britters front. word has it she's gone back to the dance studio to rehearse for her next single... guess which one?!


seriously! this is one track that can put her career back on track if she doesnt screw up the MV. it's a fantabulous song that i never get sick of hearing.. getting all psyched up.. she had better not disappoint.

Here's Piece of Me video, dancing not so great but at least this is much better than gimme more so.. can we really complain?!

YSunday, January 06, 2008' 3:13 PM
My Country Garden

Nothing about Britney was ever certain - from her split with K-Fed, to her possible comeback, to her romantic linkages with sam lufti, or adnan the paparazzo, and even the unheard of waiter at a certain posh restaurant.. and everything the media reported that Britney did.. well, that was what they claimed she did.

But the fact that the poor girl has finally gone berserk is sad to say, the one most certain thing of all the uncertainties that has been going on in her life. And you know that there's a 101% certainty in this tragic news when your poor dad who was tuning in to CNN, eargerly anticipating the updates on the global financial markets gets bombarded instead with a live newsflash on britney's meltdown.

Ever since that bizarre head-shaving incident in Feb, the whole world watches on as the pop princess hops on the train express to popwreck. So why should anyone be shocked then, that she has finally arrived at the inevitable destination - Sina-cedars hospital?

After refusing to hand over her youngest son to K-fed beyond visitation hours (by locking herself with the poor kid in a room for two hours), the cops were called in to break open the door. Poor britters (oh critters!) was strapped down and sent off to the mental hospital for a 72-hr psychological evaluation. She is now said to be released and is believed to be suffering from bipolar disorder.

I regret the receipt of such news, because part of me still believes in the professional side of her. Britney has made some of the most incredible music videos the industry has ever seen, and performed some of the most fantastic concerts the world has ever had. Despite all her recent problems, the 'piece of me' video was a marked improvement from 'gimme more' and that, really speaks a lot about her professionalism. She is one of the most versatile artistes in the music industry, as she's able to pull off any image thrown at her with so much ease. And at her peak, she was one of the most hardworking artistes, too.

It's really a pity things had to end this way. She was once livin THE hollywood dream, which sadly, has now turned into her worst nightmare. She once had the looks, the fame and the money which she has recklessly squandered all away. She once had the custodian and visitation rights to her kids which has now been taken away as well. (If K-fed can put up such a clean act and tricks the rest of the world into believing that he's the better parent, why cant she?) But alas, Brit's lost everything she once had, yet, maybe she'd finally get the psychiatric help she so desperately needs.

It's a sad day for all of us, britney fans around the world because the comeback day that we've so patiently been waiting for will never arrive. that's something we can still wish for though - provided britney's still alive. wouldnt be surprised any day now, that we read in the news poor brit has attempted suicide. it's not so hard to imagine that finale now, is it?

oh goodbye britney! till you -finally- get ur act back together,

your loyal fan


Gimme some of that!


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