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YThursday, June 12, 2008' 8:54 PM
My Country Garden

this may seem a lil outdated but i finally caught SATC in the theatres. at the end of the show, i turned to the bf and said, 'i want a walk-in wardrobe!' the reply? 'it isn't abt the wardrobe."

actually, it isnt. the movie is abt a much nobler theme - love. love between a male and female, love between girlfriends, love between two men and love for oneself? Why samantha was actually mad with her boyfriend for buying her a diamond ring instead of allowing her to get one for herself is beyond my comprehension. why wld anyone want to buy a ring for herself? that's narcisissm. it's the job of a guy so let him do it!

but at the end of the day, the only love that seem to triumph all of the above (well, in the movie at least) is the love for designer brands. and so we were razzled and dazzled by all the manolo blahnik, vivienne westwood, christian lacroix, and oscar de la renta..

so perhaps part of the movie was abt loving your girlfriends, or loving your partner, or loving your handbags.. or a combination of all. but nevertheless, at least one thing is certain - having a walk-in wardrobe definitely helps!

YTuesday, June 03, 2008' 10:04 PM
My Country Garden

the past wk has been highly eventful, it was so enjoyable catching up on the gd old times with the gd old friends. thanks to laysh, i am now aware that being 23 means being in your mid-twenties, because 20-22 is classified as early twenties, 23-26 as mid, and 27-29 as late. oh crap, we're growing so darn old.

had a wii party over the wkend at pet's place. had originally planned for a bbq that same day too but it rained. dreadful. nevertheless, we had a great dinner, and as usual, pet's dad will take out his latest offering on wines. i really cant keep track anymore of the different wines we've tasted at her place unless i pen it down. i enjoyed GH better this time round, for the very fact tt i didnt drop out mid way thru a song. both pet and dan were the pros in this game, it was just crazy seeing the songs they played.

met up with LT and her bf for dinner too. LT is the one single reason why our asset managers believe that luxury funds will continue to perform well despite the inevitable economic weakness. she totes a different branded bag each time i meet her and i suspect her private collection of branded bags may well be in excess of 10. and mind you, these are expensive bags she owns. (non-monogram bags are typically more expensive than the monogram ones you see)

had a great dinner with the girly pals last nite. our poor auditor friend kena OT last minute and couldnt come. all the horror stories abt their line just cannot be further from the truth huh. there are plans to hold a girly party sometime in june/july.. so looking forward!

and of course, not forgetting all the lunch khakis and the weird but interesting table topics we had over lunch. oh, and the 'best fish and chips' too... *grimace*

the poor boss, having being rejected last week, decided to try his luck again today to ask for a lunch slot this wk. needless to say, he didnt succeed this time round either (because all lunch appts need to be fixed at least one week in advance) and has unfortunately been relegated to the next wk. he quipped with much exasperation, 'what's this? you have more lunch appts than me now?' thought it was quite hilarious. :D


Gimme some of that!


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