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YThursday, December 04, 2008' 2:06 PM
My Country Garden

Just dropping a quick post before heading back to s****.

Isnt it queer how both my fave artistes both cut an album this year with the 'circus' theme?

and first, on jay chou:

喬克叔叔 was such a promising song. i wished jay chou had done more with this MV. it was frankly rather disappointing. perhaps 龍戰騎士 will be better.

and moving on to britney spears.

womanizer was a great video, and now the leaked version of circus seems to be even better. she is improving all rite. and yes, the world tour that everyone's been waiting for is confirmed. who would have imagined 2 years ago that this day will finally come?

that said, she's still not ready to perform live. the 2007 vma probably affected her so badly she just doesnt seem to exude the slightest sign of confidence when she takes the stage these days. and she does continue to fumble with live interviews.

the video is filmed by the same director behind slave 4 u. there are definitely some similarities, save for the dance scenes which have been toned down alot.

YTuesday, November 04, 2008' 10:03 PM
My Country Garden

was browsing thru the headlines of WSJ today. more bombings in india/iraq, america goes to the polls, llyods taking over hbos etc etc. but the headline which caught my attention, and got me really worried was.. china as aircraft maker? with all the bad press abt china's milk/toys/eggs scandals, cant say i feel most comfortable with china's manufacturing standards or technology for that matter. any mistakes / errors in the manufacturing of an aircraft is potentially much more fatal than that of milk/toys/eggs. i will be a lot more careful with booking my flights from now on. of course, this is not to say i will never fly in a china airplane. afterall, china could be the next global manufacturing hub for planes. but until then, let's hope that things will substantially improve somehow.

on another note, i suspect that one of the better outcomes that have unintentionally emerged from this credit crisis is that of greater income equality? of course, a million and one disclaimers apply here since i havent got any statistics or research to back this claim but it seems like many of the wealthiest people have had their fortunes halved or more than halved amidst this global financial meltdown. would be interesting if someone could initiate a study on this and examine the before and after crisis ginicoefficients.

YSunday, November 02, 2008' 9:53 PM
My Country Garden

had to go to smoo today run some misc errands. and as i entered the sch compound, a sudden surge of nostalgia which i never knew previously existed washed over me. an experience most queer indeed.

anyhow. since we're technically in a recession, a good majority of my intended fashion purchases / hair treatment / buffet dinner plans have to be put on hold. perhaps this will leave me with more time for my ailing reading plans..

YSaturday, October 18, 2008' 9:59 AM
My Country Garden

nothing beats winding down on a friday night with some colleagues and delicious pastries after yet another week of absolute madness brought on by the tumbling financial markets. it's so ironic how everyone has so much to say about everything yet no one can be concretely certain about anything. but one thing's for sure, the markets have spoken: postulation gets us nowhere, much less resolutions built upon postulations.

market woes aside, i'm left with saturday to collect and ready myself for our upcoming getaway trip where only 5 star luxury awaits. perhaps this is what they call life after death..

YSaturday, October 11, 2008' 9:49 PM
My Country Garden

Jay Chou's new album capricorn is great! esp this track!

And the Britters was so hawt in this video! ALL HAIL LARRY RUDOLPH! he's the man...

YWednesday, October 08, 2008' 12:30 PM
My Country Garden

contrary to popular belief, 2008 hasnt been a good year for wealth, or health for that matter. (i am personally more convinced about the latter, seeing how my medical bills for the year are soon approaching SGD 2k.)

In any case, i believe that every market has its cycle. Sure, it takes a hell lot of courage and optimism to enter the markets when fear and panic have gripped every single broker on wall street. but 50 years down the road, will you look back and regret your inaction today? This correction, though painful, is necessary to ensure that history does not repeat itself. But as long as the deleveraging and unwinding does not end, and as long as credit spreads remain sky high, we may not not have hit the trough.

Oh, and the one thing that we should all mourn is the premature end of the glorious investment banking era. I suspect that if someone told me now that he was an ex-investment banker, i might silently mock him behind his back.

YSaturday, September 27, 2008' 11:31 AM
My Country Garden

Two things to be excited about this weekend:

and now, for the second thing that got me really excited.. britney's new circus album! the first sound track womanizer was released and it's TOTALLY SMASHING!


Gimme some of that!


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